Write studio and stage ready songs with ease and on demand
What would life be like if you had unshakable faith in the powerful creative force flowing through you?
I call this your Soul Sound.
Your Soul Sound is the medicine our planet needs.
The only way to have your music dream become the living reality of your life is to consistently write and release songs from your highest truth.
The first step is to develop your consistent, nourishing rituals…
In Song Sanctuary you will develop the rituals for you to reliably complete a studio-ready song every week.
Tune into your innate creative wisdom EVERY DAY.
Write a complete song that you love EVERY WEEK.
Deepen your reliable, pleasurable music rituals so that you can release new music EVERY MONTH.
Become fearless sharing your voice and your songs THIS YEAR.
Build your music dream, song by song NOW.
Write songs every day that are a true expression of the medicine you were made to offer through your voice.
Do this with consistent rituals that feel simple, embodied and pleasurable.
Brick by brick, song by song, build your music dream.
What’s included:
Write songs every day with our weekly ritual planning tool, accountability sprints, and songwriting prompts.
LIVE guided songwriting and vocal rituals + replay access to activate your soul sound and unleash your wild voice.
Get honest, loving feedback from a community of seasoned musicians.
Access to platforms and events to share your songs and be celebrated for your creative work.
Each LIVE session includes an infusion of:
Energy healing to activate your soul sound so you can be seen, be heard and be recognized as an awakened artist whose music changes lives.
Song-channeling to root your rituals so you can write songs you love with ease and demand.
Radiant voice attunement to unleash your wild voice.
Each month you will expand your ability to:
Effortlessly and consistently channel songs you love.
Edit your work without the inner critic censoring and sabotaging you.
Trust yourself to complete your songs with velocity and grace.
Feel fearless being seen and heard.
Deepen your capacity to hold more in your field so you can magnetize your raving fans.
You will also receive these bonuses:
Soul Sound Activation mini course.
Music ritual planning calendar and toolkit
Discounts & first access to 1:1 sessions, workshops + virtual retreats and Emma’s private coaching Voxer mailbox.
Write studio and stage ready songs with ease and on demand
All you need to unleash your wild voice…
… to write songs you love with ease…
To actually finish your songs and share them with the world…
… to be seen, heard and recognized for your creative work…
Consistent, nourishing, reliable RITUALS…
Rituals that open you to your innate feminine divinity.
Rituals that allow you to hear your SOUL SOUND - the voice of your highest creative truth above the noise of all the “shoulds.”
You have been conditioned to question your innate creative wisdom, censor your feminine truth, and silence your soul sound.
You may even have learned to abandon your truth in order to protect yourself or fit the expectations placed on you by your family or society.
It’s not your fault.
You CAN sing and write songs you love DESPITE the insecurities that arise.
You are ready.
I know you are ready because…
if you are reading this…
…you feel the pull of this THING wanting to be BIRTHED through you in SONG.
Some days, it feels so huge it’s overwhelming. Yes?
You may not know where to begin to LET IT OUT.
Your mind may spin and spin, trying to control it or understand it.
So you take more courses…
You practice more…
You get more certifications and degrees…
But still… you aren’t finishing and sharing your songs…
Because… a song is not born through mental knowledge.
The mind will ALWAYS create limits. It’s a survival mechanism.
One that you no longer need.
Songs born of your highest truth incarnate into physical reality through OPENING and RECEIVING.
Only when you open to receive the song through your whole body and being, will all that you KNOW serve your creation.
The first step to open your creative channel is to activate your soul sound.
You will do this through the RITUALS I will teach you.
This is for you if…
You are ready to heal and release what’s been blocking the pleasurable, spontaneous flow in your creative proccess.
You are ready to say “yes” to your desire and your music dream.
You are ready to unleash your wild feminine truth through song (even if you don’t know yet what that TRUTH is).
You are ready to know yourself and become known as an awakened artist whose music changes lives.
You don’t need to KNOW the way.
You don’t even need to FEEL ready.
You just need to want to HEAL.
You just need to want to get FREE.
You just need to be willing to say YES to your desire.
This is “being ready”.
Write studio and stage ready songs with ease and on demand
“Ecstatic is the best way to describe my experience with Emma. Her ability to feel so deeply into the barrier wounding, call it out and free up the energy to be supportive is an impeccable miracle. After receiving the energy healing, I have a feeling of being honestly complete, that I have previously only experienced in brief moments of imagining.”
~ Michelle LaFae (@meechallay)
"Doing the first guided songwriting session with Emma unlocked everything. It was at that moment I realized I could be a songwriter; I am a songwriter. Until then, I didn't believe it could be so easy to write a song I love. In just a brief moment with Emma, I went from believing I couldn't write songs to knowing I can."
~ CaLa Joi Ma'at (@CaLaJoiMa’at)
Hey there, luminous one. My name is Emma Back.
I am a singer, songwriter, violinist, producer, energy healer & the founder of She Sings Out Loud and Soul Sound Academy.
I am a doula for your soul sound and fierce, wild feminine truth.
I am here to help you heal at the root, the wounds that have kept you bound to silence, censoring yourself and questioning your creative worth and wisdom.
I am here to help you become sovereign of your sound so you can be seen, be heard and become known as an awakened artist whose music changes lives.
I believe 100% that your voice is necessary.
I know you came into this world with specific wisdom to offer the world through your voice and your songs.
I believe your music is medicine and that there are thousands of raving fans waiting for you to have the fearlessness and audacity to be radiant and communicate your wisdom through song.
How do I know this?
Because if you are here, I know you carry a longing within you…
An insatiable desire to unleash your voice and make an impact. Yes?
This longing is the only proof needed to indicate that you were born to walk the path of an artist. If you didn’t care so much, perhaps it wouldn't be your path. But the longing that comes from the depth of your being is the TRUTH.
The first step to work with me in depth is to join Soul Sound Sanctuary…
Write studio and stage ready songs with ease and on demand
A sanctuary is a sacred space in community to DREAM, to CREATE, to HEAL. It’s a space where your dreams are listened to and received as the TRUTH of who you are. It’s a space to be in ritual - the radical act of living in devotion to your soul sound.
This is a sanctuary. For your healing and your music rituals. While memberships are often a bit “passive” (where it’s easy to get lost in a large group) this is an intimate community that is about in-depth engagement, receiving and sharing. There are plenty of opportunities for direct individual support within a group context.
We meet for 2 hours live on zoom 2x per month on Thursdays at 11am ET. Replays of circles are available for the duration of your participation in the program up to one year. Though it is of course wonderful to attend live, many students only watch replays and because of our active forum and Q&As receive equal benefit.
We understand that everyone has different financial circumstances. This is currently the lowest investment to work with Emma. It is normally $1200/month to receive this level of healing and guidance from her. If it’s not an option for you at this time, we welcome you to join our free community where, while there is no LIVE time with Emma on zoom and no individual coaching, there is an opportunity to be in community and share yourself and your music.
Replays are available for the duration of your participation in the program up to one year. Because of the nature of our active forum many students choose to only watch replays and receive equal benefit.